Spartanburg looking to bring recreational boating to Duncan Park for first time since 1950s
Duncan Park in Spartanburg hasn’t allowed recreational boating since the 1950s. But this summer, that could all change. (By: Elise Devlin, WSPA)
Duncan Park in Spartanburg hasn’t allowed recreational boating since the 1950s. But this summer, that could all change. (By: Elise Devlin, WSPA)
The Duncan Park Visioning Plan was recently developed with help from Play. Advocate. Live Well. and support from the Friends of Duncan Park group. The park, the largest in the city, hasn't drawn as many visitors in recent years, so the plan aims to change that. (By Chris Lavender, Post & Courier)
This year’s tournament will benefit local charities including: PAL: Play. Advocate. Live Well Spartanburg (By: Megan Fitzgerald, Greenville Journal)
According to Feed America, one in 10 people in South Carolina don't know where their next meal will come from. A couple of Spartanburg nonprofits and the city of Spartanburg are coming together to do their part and give fresh food to the community. (WYFF—Carlos Cristian Flores)
Our dream is for Spartanburg County to be a community where making the healthy choice is also the easy choice.
A program is giving residents on the southside of Spartanburg access to fresh produce for free. The City of Spartanburg, PAL and Hub City Roots recently partnered to begin the Fresh Stops program. (By: Chloe Salsameda, WSPA)
“PAL is a part of the Spartanburg Food System Coalition, and we coordinate to provide food security in Spartanburg County. Part of that goal is to provide access to healthy and nutritious foods. We found it very important to provide that for the community in the way that there are no barriers and where it was a communal space for people to gain access,” Jasmine Gilliam, Coalition Coordinator, said.
SPARTANBURG, S.C. (FOX Carolina) - PAL is an organization dedicated to making Spartanburg healthier. This year they’re making sure people have access to healthy and affordable foods. PAL has created a food hub, meaning they work with local farmers to bring fresh fruits and vegetables to schools, restaurants and dining room tables and now through free classes, they’ll even help you cook it.
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