The Daniel Morgan Trail System, known as “The Dan,” is one of the region’s most transformative projects, linking residents across our community to jobs, educational opportunities, transit, and recreation.
In collaboration with Spartanburg County Parks, the City of Spartanburg, and many community partners, PAL’s leadership is bringing this 55-mile (and growing) trail network to life in Spartanburg County’s urban areas. The Dan is the physical link connecting our tourism, environment, and health, as well as our economic, and community development projects.
EXPLORE Trail Segments | Interactive map | PLAN |
In 1781, Daniel Morgan marched 800 troops through Spartanburg toward the Broad River for an historic victory in the American Revolution.
Today, we are committed to turning some of those same pathways into an integrated trail network. The Dan Trail System gives a nod to the spirit of adventure from our Revolutionary War history and will provide recreation and transportation to all users to downtown, businesses, educational institutions and community destinations.
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