Wildflower Way Trail

Wildflower Way is a trail segment of the Daniel Morgan Trail System, Spartanburg's 55-mile urban network made up of existing and proposed trails. This system currently has 24 existing miles and 688,000 annual uses with the goal of 20 additional miles and 1 million annual uses in the next four to five years.

Wildflower Way is a paved, ADA accessible path within the Edward Griffin Preserve, owned by Spartanburg Area Conservancy. With limited access to this natural area for people with mobility limitations and strollers, this segment will open nature to our Spartanburg community.

The trail is being constructed in three phases. Phase 1 is complete, and we hope to construct phase 2 and the Rainbow Pet Bridge in 2025 with your help! 

We need your help to complete the Wildflower Way Trail and open it up to the community! Fund a foot, or fund a mile, by donating to PAL today.



The Rainbow Pet Bridge

Within the Wildflower Way corridor, there is a bridge over a tributary leading to the Lawson's Fork Creek near Beechwood Drive. This bridge will be Spartanburg's Rainbow Bridge. The Rainbow Bridge, painted with rainbow colors, will be symbolic of the bridge that animals are said to cross when they pass from this life into heaven, eventually to be reunited with their owners one day. Pet owners will be able to clip their pet's collar on the railings of the bridge to symbolize it's crossing of the Rainbow Bridge.

Pictured: Rainbow Bridge at Lake Lure before it was destroyed by Hurricane Helene.


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